Sunday, March 25, 2018

What is the state of "being"?

A new calf is always a sign spring has come to the farm. I never tire seeing these creatures being born without a human sterilizing their hands with latex gloves, wearing masks, or blue surgical gowns to help the birth be easier.  As I reread Madeline L'Engle's, Walking on Water, she reminds me all creating is of God. Surely, calves being born is one of those God creations.

And how am I creating these days? After a late summer of cancer diagnosis for Joe, my father's hospice care and then Dad's  October death, it felt like my creating was not creating but keeping doctor and cancer treatment appointments, arranging for hospice care, a funeral, and then cancer treatment recovery care. Where is the creation in this? Then, I remember Martha washing Jesus' feet. It was such a simple and humbling act by Martha, but an act that had to be documented by one of Jesus'  disciples. Madeline L'Engle says we must learn to "be" in order to create. We must "be" to be able to listen to God's quiet voice or not but to be a state of creation. Perhaps, my creation state was in the humbling acts of appointments, phone calls and texts, and in person arrangements. I know at the time of these acts, I was not thinking I was creating, but "doing" at a frantic pace. Time to make a conscious space to create.

I've decided to create on my blog and to continue writing my childhood memoir for the year of 1963. I've joined a writing group to help me focus, be motivated, and be disciplined.  And I've started back in the practice of "being". I must make time for this as Madeline L'Engle writes in her book in order to create art.

"Being" is not writing or blogging but in a physical space that is in nature or quiet space inside a home, library, or church and sitting.  As I am "being" on my porch, I focus on the wind rustling the trees and I watch the limbs sway. I watch rain clouds move in the sky in a constant drift. Questions come, "Will it rain tonight? Tomorrow? Is the big tree on the hill alive or dead. Why did it die?" Questions that won't change the course of history, but questions that may or may not be answered. The important part of the questions is they are "being" asked. What is accomplished by asking questions that may or may not be answered? I've taken the time to ask questions while "being".


  1. Your blog and writing are just beautiful - as are you and your soul This photo brings up so many emotions for me. And thoughts. I'm so happy that Uncle Joe has a new chance at life after cancer, and can enjoy the new life on the farm as it unfolds. And I'm learning more to "be" as well. I'm so thankful that God place you in our family and into my young life so many years ago. Never did I dream what an important relationship we would have. I'm grateful for you and for how you have mentored me. I look forward to reading many entries - you have much to say that the world needs to hear.

  2. Precious Diana! You're making me cry. And your influence on me as been great, too. I will never forget our trip to Europe and all the art we saw and you knew about each and everyone.

    1. Europe with you and my girls will always remain a very special time and memory in my heart and mind. I think of it often with such fondness.
